Sunday, November 25, 2007

Clamp Down on the Foreign Nationals

Boy, it seem like Jamaica a clamp down on the Foreign people working in Jamaica without the proper paperwork. The Jamaican Observer reports today that their is a mad rush on applications and other paperwork needed to fall into compliance for proper work permits.

It is also stated that many are not bothering to fill out the time consuming forms and are simply just leaving the island. Minister of Labour, Pearnel Charles on Friday, however, refused to comment on the alleged exodus, saying only that he had heard that some airlines were "unable to handle the traffic".

In the meantime, Cabinet has agreed to increase the current penalty for breaches of the Foreign Nationals and Commonwealth Citizens Employment Act from $200 or six months imprisonment to $500,000 or six months in jail.

I wonder what impact this will have on Jamaica. Many of the Foreign Nationals working in Jamaica put a lot of money in the banking system as well as providing jobs for the locals.

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