Monday, April 21, 2008

Jamaica doing testing for Autism

Growing up in Jamaica you never heard about the term , "Autism." When children acted up or could not speak the parents would just keep their kids home and not send them to school. Little was known about children who exhibited signs of "mental retardation."

Now, not only is their greater knowledge but several centers to deal with this neurological disorder is available. One such center is the PROMISE LEARNING AND TRAINING CENTER. ( center for children with learning disabilities).

The Education Minister Andrew Holness, said the ministry was currently trying to find the founding for additional programs. He stated they would defiantly partner with organizations who provided assistance and quality care for these children.

The Autism Foundation has established an autism hotline manned by volunteer Dr Charles Thesigar. Parents with autistic children can access free counselling by calling 293-3610.

Email Maia Chung-Smith at; or call the Promise Learning and Training Centre at 906-8283.


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM PDT

    IT is important that parents know what signs to look for and intervene early (this means, more often than not, repetition and getting in the child's comfort zone to force a response).

    Aside from personal research, it is invaluable(I have found) to talk to others who have been there or are walking the same path. There is also the Jamaica autism Support association (JASA) which meets on the last Sat of every month at the YMCA in Kingston.


    Afta all, evry Jamdung pickney s'pose fi feel "one love", don't??

  2. I am happy that you gave us (Autism and Disabilities Foundation Maia Chung) a space on your page the work continues... you know what I want to see a tertiary institution for not just autists but persons with disabilities not in the condescending fashion - but with respect for the needs of these persons - tertiary developed out of market surveys as to what training whether theory or practical is applicable in the varying dsiabilities scenarios that pertain here in Jamaica, I am tired of the intolerant society that we have here and the bling mentality that rules us all when I was a student at Campion College I chose to be a member of the Golden Age club we visited the elderly and disabled sang made cards (my cards looked lame lol) I was always hurt by how ppl ignore the elderly/disabled even as a kid maybe that is why I have a kid with autism it pushed greater action on my part to not just visit and try to cheer them up, but change the the world for them - we all need to realise that for the grace of God it could be you and guess what? all the various spices in the pot make it delish so recognise!!!!!

  3. I am happy that you gave us (Autism and Disabilities Foundation Maia Chung) a space on your page the work continues... you know what I want to see a tertiary institution for not just autists but persons with disabilities not in the condescending fashion - but with respect for the needs of these persons - tertiary developed out of market surveys as to what training whether theory or practical is applicable in the varying dsiabilities scenarios that pertain here in Jamaica, I am tired of the intolerant society that we have here and the bling mentality that rules us all when I was a student at Campion College I chose to be a member of the Golden Age club we visited the elderly and disabled sang made cards (my cards looked lame lol) I was always hurt by how ppl ignore the elderly/disabled even as a kid maybe that is why I have a kid with autism it pushed greater action on my part to not just visit and try to cheer them up, but change the the world for them - we all need to realise that for the grace of God it could be you and guess what? all the various spices in the pot make it delish so recognise!!!!!

  4. Dania

    I don't know much about autism but I really would want to learn more. I recently met the most charming young boy who, just by looking you would never know that he was autistic. I want to help out the young fellow and his mom by seeking supports groups for them. Please help me to help them. Dania A. Mckenzie,


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