Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bloggers Unite for Human Rights-Jamaica

Today I am doing a special post to blog for human rights and hope in Jamaica. I am doing this to continue the belief that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms - life, liberty, and justice.

Human rights violations occur when any state or non-state actor breaches any part of the UDHR treaty or other international human rights or humanitarian law. In regard to human rights violations of United Nations laws. Article 39 of the United Nations Charter designates the UN Security Council (or an appointed authority) as the only tribunal that may determine UN human rights violations.

Human rights abuses are monitored by United Nations committees, national institutions and governments and by many independent non-governmental organizations, such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, World Organisation Against Torture, Freedom House, International Freedom of Expression Exchange and Anti-Slavery International. These organisations collect evidence and documentation of alleged human rights abuses and apply pressure to enforce human rights laws.

Victims of human trafficking suffer extreme violation of their human rights. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) says that victims trafficked from and within the Caribbean region, usually end up in domestic servitude in private homes, forced labor in places like construction or mining camps and sexual slavery in brothels, massage parlors and on the streets. They suffer from violence, serious psychological impairment and health problems. Those in sexual slavery are at high risk of HIV/AIDS

signs of HUman Trafficking

As of 2007 (according to the United States State Department Trafficking Report) Jamaica has been considered a source country for women and children trafficked within the country for the purposes of commercial and also sexual exploitation. This includes forced labor. Women and children (primarily girls) are taken from the rural areas of Jamaica to the Urban (usually Kingston and Montego Bay areas) and tourist areas for sexual exploitation.

These children may be even subject to forced labor and continued rapes. Many people know Jamaica as this wonderful tourist spot. They enjoy the beaches, cuisine and music. My purpose for drawing attention to the trafficking issue is that Jamaica has hit an all time high in violence. The morale on the island is going down. People are literally afraid to go out of their houses. Some have even gone as far as not sending their children to school for fear of a violent act or even death.

Lorrie and children

In November 2006, the Jamaican Government launched and intensive study into the problem of trafficking. Its police force went through an extensive anti-trafficking training. A police Airport Interdiction Task Force was created. This included a joint effort between Jamaica and the United States to actively investigate cases of trafficking (human and drugs) between all ports of entry and disembarkment.

Due to these efforts, since April 2006, nine victims of human trafficking have been rescued in Jamaica. There were 6 of whom were over the age of 18, 3 between the ages of 13 an 17. In these cases 5 people were successfully charged with trafficking, under he Child Care and Protection Act (which was established in 2004).

In April 2008,Justice Minister A.J. Nicholson stated the task force has found several local companies in breach of the Trafficking of Person's Act. Minister Nicholson did not name any of the companies but he advised any organization that conceals, withholds, removes or destroys documents relating to the movement of people will be severely penalized. (Source:Jamaica Gleaner).


A 15year old girl (call her Sharon) hangs out with her friends in on of Kingston's top schools. One Day Sharon is asked by one of her friends to go with her to visit her new boyfriend. When she arrives with her friend, she is uncomfortable. A few weeks later Sharon wakes up to find herself in another parish-with only fleeting memories of having sex with many different men. She finds her way to the police station an is returned to her home in Kingston.
Investigations prove that she was a victim of human trafficking - she had been drugged and held captive for a period of time.

This is the story the unnamed victim told to the counselor she eventually ended up seeing after considerable time spent trying to figure out where to go for assistance. Her case heightened concerns about where victims of human trafficking go for help... and why more victims are not coming forward to report their plight.

Read Here for a project done last year to enlighten students of the dangers

People are scared. They know what is going on around them, but the fear of dying has caused people to stay silent. It doesn't help when many of the people involved are in the upper echelons of the Jamaican government. Trafficking also brings profit. Money always changes hands.

With Jamaica going through so many acts of violence lately, it is so important that many people who do know of such acts come forward. The violence and the trafficking will only stop if the country puts up a united front against such acts. Cowards hide behind these acts. The same way Jamaica can come out an show full force in support of any political candidate is the same the country can unite to stop the continued abuse and slavery of the people on the island.


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM PDT

    Dee, thank you for this enlightening article. I was aware of human trafficking, but never associated it with slavery. These figures are scary. We really have to do more so that we won't lose our children.

    Bless up!

  2. Anonymous8:39 PM PDT

    Great post,

    The numbers are just unreal to me! How can slavery still be happening in the 21st century.

    Thank you for your story.

  3. Hi,

    I just voted for your blog at the Bloggers Choice Awards.

    Could you return the favor at



  4. I failed you, I totally forgot about Bloggers Unite for Human Rights. :( I'm glad you remembered though as both you and Jamaican Dawta did a great job!

    Human trafficking is something we hardly hear about and yet it is such a large scale worldwide abuse of human rights. Governments need to get tougher and more vigilant in order to curb this practice.

  5. J.D. an excellent job in enlightening folks about what is happening in our country.

    S2c97...thank you didn't fail me. You have and excellent site that brings so much information (personal and otherwise) about our culture and what is happening.

    I feel it doesn't have to take a special event to remember how people take away the rights of others. In jamaica the "RIGHT" to life is a big fight. The gunman dem tink sey deh 'ave dis ya ting lock up.

    I disagree. I see hope


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