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Friday, June 13, 2008

Congratulations to Kristi Charles

According to the Jamaican Observer today Kristi Charles 11 years old was awarded her 7 year old scholarship, valued at $205,000 per annum, on the eve of a Supreme Court judgement into the case brought against the Government by the child's parents after she was denied the Scotiabank Foundation Scholarship, presented to the top female student in the exam that is used to place students in secondary schools.

Kristi, who achieved the highest score for girls (617.70), was subsequently denied the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation Scholarship. The ministry accused her of cheating. It was stated she had privy to exam papers before the test. Since no evidence could be made to substantiate these claims it was decided to give her the award.

Good job Kristi!. Education it the TRUE HOPE of Jamaica.


Unknown said...

The award will certainly give her a good boost where school expenses are concerned!

iriegal said...

This award is well deserved.

Weight Loss Warrior said...

I wonder hows Jamaca

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