Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Probe into arrests of Jamaican Journalist

According to the Observer, the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders yesterday called for full investigations into the conduct of the Jamaican police in two cases involving Jamaican journalists - Julian Richardson of the Observer and Gleaner photographer Ricardo Makyn.

While covering a shooting at Half-Way Tree, Ricardo Makyn states he was approached by a plainclothes policeman who demanded him to stop taking pictures. An arguement devoloped, then a shoving match. Makin was taken to the police station where he was charged with using abusive languarge, assaulting a police officer and disobeying instructions from a police officer.

In the other case Richardson was arrested, slapped and given 3 traffic charges because he would not give a bribe to some officers that stopped him on February 14.

Reporters without borders is an organization that monitors actions taken against journalist worldwide. The police had no comment.

Source: Jamaica Observer


  1. And again, another clear case of how JA police are out of control.

    Love to live; live to love!

  2. Tru dat sistah Jewel. How are you going to tell your children to trust the police when the police are the ones doing the crime?


  3. I remember Julian. Scary and indeed shows how the police forces are out of control and rampant with corruption.

  4. Jamericanspice....out of control is mild word.

    There is a lot of "nepotism" in the police force


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