Friday, March 20, 2009

Rise in Broken Penis(i)

I had to report this. Only in the Jamaican Star can the headline read, "Rise in Broken Willy." Apparently the urologists in some of the hospitals in Jamaica have noticed, "an increase" in the number of cases where men fracture their members. The reason is largely attributed to the men's obsession with daggerin' aka rough sex.

Okay, I have to say this, if your man is having sex with you so rough that he needs to reset his penis, then perhaps he needs to know that their is a difference between having sex an making love.

The doctors states, "It's possibly daggerin' people tend to have a predisposition to rough sex, " the surgeon said. "(So) during very rigorous intercourse, the penis slips out and in an attempt to ram it back in, the man hits the woman's pubic bone and pops the penis."

Trust Me I can't mek dis up!


1 comment:

  1. OMG DEAD!!!! hahahahahha this made me laugh. Reminds me of an episode of Gray's Anatomy where Mark broke his ding ding. LOL

    I knew there had to be more hazzards to Daggerin than just its effects on children!!


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