Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jamaican one million squatters reported

Well, I am not surprised at these numbers. We have had so many people who have abandoned their property in lieu of the violence in some areas. Housing Minister Dr Horace Chang stunned parliament yesterday with a startling disclosure that nearly one million Jamaicans, or just over a third of the population, are squatters.

Politicians in the parliament were obviously shocked by the news from Chang who quickly added: "There are some 700 squatter settlements islandwide, meaning just about a third of the Jamaican population is squatting; they vary from the very small to some large ones."

"You frighten me when you tell me a third of the country which is 900,000 are squatters... I can't think of a more serious social problem than this," People's National Party (PNP) chairman and MP for North West St Catherine, Robert Pickersgill, remarked.

I can't either.

REad more here-----HERE

1 comment:


    The politicians seem as if they experienced a sense of consternation and amazement regarding these figures.Being so surprised and shocked, definitely illustrates that they are totally indifferent of this major social problem, which in essence, they created via inappropriate housing and land policies, and in actuality, do not have any answers for alleviating or ameliorating this condition of one million squatters.People's National Party (PNP) Chairman Mr. Robert Pickersgill seemed and appeared totally oblivious to this wrenching problem. Why am I not surprised?Certainly, this problem needs to be stanched by providing training,jobs, and opportunities to such citizens with proper land policies and housing laws implemented and enforced before this social problem explodes like a time bomb.


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