Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stop Jamaican Human Trafficking

The awareness of human trafficking among Jamaicans is expected to increase significantly as People's Action for Community Transformation (PACT) has trained students as peer educator.

Human trafficking, which is referred to as modern-day slavery, occurs when persons, especially women and children, are enticed into being taken or forcefully moved from one part of Jamaica to another, or from one country to another, where they are usually forced to work.

Western Society for Upliftment in the Montego Bay and Church Action Negril, through its Theodore Project counseled the children.

Mario Abrahams, one of the peer educators, lauded the programme, saying that he was well informed about trafficking and had been taking the message to his peers in his community.

"Living in the inner city does not make you less of a person. I am seen as a role model to my friends," Abrahams told the gathering.

Sadly, much of this is a part of Jamaican History- .

Orlando Patterson writes in The Sociology of Slavery: "Slavery in Jamaica led to the breakdown of all forms of social sanctions relating to sexual behaviour, and with this, to the disintegration of the institution of marriage both in its African and European forms. As one missionary described the situation, 'Every estate on the island - every Negro hut - was a common brothel; every female a prostitute; every man a libertine.' A male partner dared not complain if his 'wife' was taken by massa as he would be flogged 'couched under the name of some other misdemeanour'."

Now here we are doing the same thing centuries later to these young children....THIS NEEDS TO STOP!!

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