Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Plane Crash in Saint Ann


The Jamaican Observer has reported that, 'A twin engine aircraft, which police believe was on a ganja mission, crashed on the private Windalco bauxite mines road just outside Faith's Pen near the St Ann/St Catherine border yesterday morning killing two people."

First off why are people still trying to do things like back in the early 70's and 80's. Ganja Plane? There is never a plane that leaves Jamaican airspace that the Jamacian Government oesn't have some knowledge of...please gimme a break!

Somebody no something.

Currently Investigators from the Narcotics Division of Transnational Crime, Operation Kingfish and the Civil Aviation Authority who are trying to determine the cause of the crash, suspect that it developed mechanical difficulties and crash-landed about 9:20 am.

Residents reported that the aircraft had been circling overhead from about 7:30 am. Some, who were early on the scene, said a vehicle was heard speeding away from the crash site minutes after the plane went down.

Probably the police dem a run.



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