Saturday, November 07, 2009

Rihanna Finally Speaks Out

Well, we all know of someone who may have experienced some sort of physical abuse in their life. I remember speaking to someone about this and the first thing he said was, "wha' she do?" Why should their be ANY reason for someone to put their hands on anyone else? Domestic violence is a serious issue.Chris Brown was arrested February 8, hours after he was accused of beating Rihanna after the two argued over a text message he had gotten from another woman. He later pleaded guilty to felony assault.
During the beating, the singer said she had no idea how it would end: "That's all I kept thinking the whole time, 'When is it going to stop? When is it going to stop?'"

This is generally the case with someone who is getting beaten. You just want it to end. Then you feel powerless and ashamed that you couldn't do anything to stop it. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I missed the interview on TV. I'm finding it very interesting, the stuff she's saying. What a mix bag of emotions one must go through in this situation!


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