Thursday, November 11, 2010

OAS to give Aid to Hurrican Affected Countries

It seems the OAS (Organization of American States), will be giving relief aid to five Central American and Caribbean nations affected by Hurricane Tomas and Richard. CaribWorldNews, reported The Organization of American States on Tuesday pitched in $125,000 from the Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund to helping Belize, Costa Rica, Haiti, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were affected by hurricanes Tomas and Richard over the last few weeks and will all benefit from the aid.

Each country on Tuesday received $ 25,000 from OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, who said the `impact caused by these disasters remind us of the need to deal with this matter in a comprehensive way, not only from the point of view of relief, but from that of the whole strategy we have in our region.

Read More of the Story Here -------> HERE

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