Friday, October 20, 2006

Jamaican clothes

The clothing you'll see around Jamaica is vibrant and striking, but the overarching theme in this tropical climate is comfort. No matter your plans, comfortable clothing is essential.This is even moreso in the Country or more interior parts of the island.

The only way I can say it to make you understand is JAMAICA HOT MON!!. :-)

You could be coming off the plane, waiting for a cab and sweat is pouring off of you. It is of course essential to carry that "underarm" protection.

What the HECK does this white dude have on? AS HOT AS IT IS !!

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This is a traditional outfit in Jamaica. Generally women who do the quadrille dance wear these clothes.
Thes are some old time folk singers in Montego Bay
As you can see Jamaica has typical Western Wear.

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Festival clothing

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