Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why all deh bloodshed mon?

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Everyday many of us aboard read the Jamaican newspapers and our hearts bleed for the land we love. Violence is now a way of life in Jamaica. There are so many crimes being committed that the newspapers have to be select the ones to show case. Many returning residents fear their life.

Tourism is the number one staple in Jamaica, it is hard to see all the suffering that the innocent people have to endure. The main problem in my mind is that the youth man dem don't have any respect for themselves or human life on a whole.

They don't respect the struggles that our
ancestors made for them to come this far in life. The war with the British gave Jamaica its independence...and the civil war within the country is taking it away.

People can't even walk down their street without fear. They can't trust anyone. The following topics are the many things that to me are causing this breakdown in humanity on the island. It is due to the breakdown of the family structure. This has always been a solid force in Jamaica.

The breakdown in families is causing abuses to the children
  1. 1 out 5 children are born to a teenage mother
  2. Many children are institutionalized and live without parental care
  3. 47.5% of Jamaican households are headed by females caring for a large number of children.
  4. Less than 50% of children born live with their fathers
  5. Inadequate services and opportunities exist for children with disabilities. These children are subject to high levels of stigma and discrimination

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