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Friday, August 29, 2008

Celebration of Barack Obama

I watched the television and I cried. America for many in the islands and other 3rd Word countries have been seen for a long time as a vision of "hope." We have so many people who have risked their lives to claim aboard these shores.

Yesterday in Denver was indeed the beginning of change. How ironic on the eve of the 45th celebration of Martin Luther Kings speech was history made. Barack Obama not only delievered a powerful speech but he let everyone Nationally and aboard understand the true dynamics of what a great leader means.
He not only laid out his policies and plans, but instilled timelines as well. I know there are many Jamaicans who have relatives in the United States and who keep abreast of the news. America needs a leader who not only stands up for America's values but understands the plights of other countries as well. I feel Barack Obama is this man.

Coco Tea said it best


Unknown said...

I didn't watch the speech as I was keeping abreast of the storm. But you are one more person that I have heard said that his speech was good.

iriegal said...

Glad to know you are safe brotha stunner. Yeah mon, he delivered. The republicans have to come strong to top his performance