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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Probe into arrests of Jamaican Journalist

According to the Observer, the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders yesterday called for full investigations into the conduct of the Jamaican police in two cases involving Jamaican journalists - Julian Richardson of the Observer and Gleaner photographer Ricardo Makyn.

While covering a shooting at Half-Way Tree, Ricardo Makyn states he was approached by a plainclothes policeman who demanded him to stop taking pictures. An arguement devoloped, then a shoving match. Makin was taken to the police station where he was charged with using abusive languarge, assaulting a police officer and disobeying instructions from a police officer.

In the other case Richardson was arrested, slapped and given 3 traffic charges because he would not give a bribe to some officers that stopped him on February 14.

Reporters without borders is an organization that monitors actions taken against journalist worldwide. The police had no comment.

Source: Jamaica Observer


Blu Jewel said...

And again, another clear case of how JA police are out of control.

Love to live; live to love!

iriegal said...

Tru dat sistah Jewel. How are you going to tell your children to trust the police when the police are the ones doing the crime?


Colette S said...

I remember Julian. Scary and indeed shows how the police forces are out of control and rampant with corruption.

iriegal said...

Jamericanspice....out of control is mild word.

There is a lot of "nepotism" in the police force