Sex is something that one learns at a very early age in Jamaica. If you live in the country part it is worse because sometimes because of lack of privacy, somethings are seen by young children that should not be viewed.
Recent articles from the Observer (like the one below) has led me to believe we have abandoned our children. When I was a little girl in Jamaica we played "dolly house" and "hand games."
Now we have articles like this:
A growing number of three - to six-year-olds have been engaging in various sexual activities on school compounds, prompting the Ministry of Health to deploy staff to the affected schools to actively engage them and their parents in sex education discussions.
3 to 6 year old engaging in sex? what? So now young girls know how to "take hood" before they know how to spell it? Do I blame the parents, yes...but I blame the Jamaican society on a hold. We don't spend time with our kids like we should. It is all about making money. It is all about making our kids grow up way to fast. We have fathers letting their young boys disrespect girls. Making them sex objects or breeding machines. We have mothers who as long as their young daughters are getting money from these men ...will sell their 6 year old into prostitution to help support the home.
This is the Jamaica we don't talk about..Well I think it is time we discuss it mon!
This is terrible. I most whole heartedly agree that it is the parents fault that things of this nature are happening. It saddens me to find out that any child, especially a very young one, has been exposed to the world of sex. I believe sex is a healthy part of adult life but it has no place in a child's. If you lack privacy please for the sake of the world's children wait until you find some.
Mine Own Store
i am glad you brought it up.
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